Dear Banga Sree Damodar Lottery Results 2021 News: The West Bengal Lottery Dear Banga Sree Damodar Result 29-02-2020 are ready today 04:00 PM Onward. Everyone can view Dear Banga Sree Damodar Results For 94th Draw Held in this portal. Our site is dedicated to provide banga sree damodar lottery draw at the earliest possible and after official announcement you can check the pdf file given here...............................................
February 2020 Draw
Draw Dated - 29 February, 2020 - yet to upload..
Draw Dated - 22 February, 2020
1st Prize `50 Lakhs/- 29G 08107
Returned To Govt by Dist from : TARAK NATH LOTT CENTER - BARASAT
Cons. Prize ` 1000/- 08107 (REMAINING ALL SERIALS)
2nd Prize ` 9000/-
06162 19754 31036 35559 59006 59075 63648 68298 74625 87295
w w w .l o t t er y s a mb a d . co m3rd Prize ` 500/-
0538 2852 3672 5042 5192 5689 5969 7476 9031 9780
4th Prize ` 250/-
1269 1590 1616 4042 4659 6725 6986 7707 7956 8206
5th Prize
` 120/-
0069 0794 1728 2319 3666 4510 5763 6475 7404 8181
0186 0892 1819 2510 3755 4521 5782 6535 7481 8288
0547 0898 1825 2985 3810 4541 5854 6592 7521 8457
0585 0993 1830 3027 3870 4689 5932 6603 7608 8518
0643 1286 1979 3276 3879 4885 6137 6689 7647 8703
0652 1371 2002 3292 4035 4973 6234 6814 7798 9017
0670 1498 2081 3331 4222 5286 6319 6910 7816 9441
0674 1507 2121 3377 4253 5584 6433 6981 7971 9750
0690 1585 2142 3419 4331 5662 6454 7150 8123 9789
0792 1639 2312 3499 4415 5737 6474 7317 8142 9846
93rd Draw held on 22/02/2020 Price ` 6/-
Please check the results with relevent Official Government Gazatte
DAY RESULT 22/02/2020Draw Dated - 15 February, 2020
Draw Dated - 08 February, 2020
Draw Dated - 01 February, 2020
Draw Dated - 18 January, 2020
Draw Dated - 11 January, 2020
Draw Dated - 04 January, 2020
Draw Dated - 28 December, 2019
Draw Dated - 21 December, 2019
1st Prize `50 Lakhs/- 16J 96587
Returned To Govt by Distributor from : DURGA AGENCY - DHULIYAN
Cons. Prize ` 1000/- 96587 (REMAINING ALL SERIALS)
2nd Prize ` 9000/-
00866 07845 14091 17952 27524 36351 54682 63994 66045 78443
w w w .l o t t er y s a mb a d . co m3rd Prize ` 500/-
0984 1177 1355 3683 3694 5146 5899 6415 8374 9093
4th Prize ` 250/-
0894 3156 3649 3720 5142 6363 6666 8396 8463 9883
5th Prize ` 120/-
0010 1202 3185 3995 4833 5479 6450 7196 8262 9004
0079 1239 3199 4083 4889 5482 6663 7199 8272 9051
0128 1379 3325 4086 4958 5487 6675 7633 8312 9180
0364 1388 3348 4112 5003 5674 6681 7673 8349 9419
0455 2047 3531 4205 5098 5728 6794 7683 8425 9474
0675 2331 3753 4291 5158 5901 6939 7685 8652 9486
0694 2441 3765 4323 5170 6152 7043 7793 8729 9574
0923 2813 3853 4626 5271 6263 7079 7809 8757 9638
1039 2915 3901 4630 5273 6346 7108 8071 8904 9688
1111 3056 3970 4657 5433 6355 7157 8203 8969 9778
84th Draw held on 21/12/2019 Price ` 6/-
Please check the results with relevent Official Government Gazatte
Draw Dated - 14 December, 2019
Draw Dated - 07 December, 2019
Draw Dated - 30 November, 2019
Draw Dated - 23 November, 2019
Draw Dated - 16 November, 2019
Draw Dated - 09 November, 2019
Draw Dated - 02 November, 2019
1st Prize `50 Lakhs/- 18B 05809
Cons. Prize ` 1000/- 05809 (REMAINING ALL SERIALS)
2nd Prize ` 9000/-
12880 13984 15386 16988 58195 66088 78651 92388 94127 95065
w w w .l o t t er y s a mb a d . co m3rd Prize ` 500/-
0129 0718 1053 1087 1707 1984 4748 5247 6392 8025
4th Prize ` 250/-
0856 2960 3095 3797 5138 7097 7171 8200 9258 9366
5th Prize ` 120/-
0300 1112 1923 2969 4093 5069 5575 6411 8138 9280
0408 1191 1986 3262 4228 5100 5667 6499 8146 9285
0574 1206 1998 3477 4302 5104 5713 6811 8167 9315
0686 1452 2010 3499 4460 5115 5983 6913 8225 9389
0688 1516 2159 3773 4485 5171 6103 7019 8453 9445
0757 1526 2368 3814 4534 5246 6172 7120 8663 9455
0814 1533 2416 3829 4544 5255 6178 7546 8679 9534
0840 1715 2448 4025 4755 5445 6263 7583 8739 9675
0993 1824 2581 4031 4923 5552 6346 8018 9066 9748
1068 1878 2654 4054 4983 5557 6402 8111 9257 9892
77th Draw held on 02/11/2019 Price ` 6/-
Please check the results with relevent Official Government Gazatte
Draw Dated - 26 October, 2019
Draw Dated - 19 October, 2019
Draw Dated - 28 September, 2019
Draw Dated - 14 September, 2019
BANGASREE DAMODAR DEAR 04:00PM 14/09/20191st Prize `26 Lakhs/- 13K 25528
Cons. Prize ` 1000/- 25528 (REMAINING ALL SERIALS)
2nd Prize ` 9000/-
06907 08776 12744 19015 29265 50081 69913 86300 88009 89190
w w w .l o t t er y s a mb a d . co m3rd Prize ` 500/-
3380 4158 5360 6397 7120 7319 7919 8188 9140 9349
4th Prize ` 250/-
0200 0433 1671 2878 3189 7821 7970 8379 8717 9136
5th Prize ` 120/-
0134 0956 2533 3698 4958 5428 6207 6879 7875 9207
0146 0992 2678 4012 4973 5608 6227 6915 7925 9257
0206 1440 2882 4085 5048 5648 6236 6988 8123 9417
0300 1662 3054 4135 5055 5664 6393 7186 8155 9546
0344 1823 3224 4194 5090 5699 6402 7330 8338 9631
0577 2026 3400 4289 5093 5792 6439 7480 8354 9663
0641 2106 3503 4359 5157 5849 6459 7481 8622 9700
0704 2227 3505 4403 5175 6036 6495 7581 8645 9703
0874 2346 3507 4466 5274 6121 6703 7754 8937 9802
0909 2485 3682 4584 5339 6195 6826 7848 9090 9944
70th Draw held on 14/09/2019 Price ` 6/-
Please check the results with relevent Official Government Gazatte
DAY RESULT 14/09/2019
Draw Dated - 07 September, 2019
Draw Dated - 31 August, 2019
Draw Dated - 17 August, 2019
Draw Dated - 13 July, 2019
06/07/2019 06/07/2019
1st Prize `30 Lakhs/- 20J 58025
Cons. Prize ` 1000/- 58025 (REMAINING ALL SERIALS)
2nd Prize ` 9000/- 14286 16067 18963 37265 40479
w ww . l o tt e r y sa m b a d. c o m 53658 70141 76816 87506 88098
3rd Prize ` 500/- 1246 1693 3246 5482 5669
6137 8713 9477 9721 9784
4th Prize ` 250/- 0030 1525 4008 6018 6661
6935 7361 8356 8387 8691
5th Prize ` 120/-
0143 1048 2041 2504 3712 4588 5603 6712 7763 8804
0163 1139 2047 2681 3818 4836 5672 6963 7796 8860
0204 1186 2077 3002 3910 5041 5682 6995 7810 9135
0296 1209 2118 3043 3931 5051 5801 7003 7885 9267
0578 1372 2193 3093 3967 5061 5875 7283 7918 9274
0590 1406 2298 3218 3980 5079 5893 7330 8068 9366
0665 1724 2369 3308 4094 5210 6047 7371 8124 9602
0684 1725 2377 3469 4105 5393 6127 7604 8351 9603
0835 1783 2438 3532 4375 5417 6199 7635 8673 9846
1004 1995 2461 3680 4450 5584 6258 7708 8799 9871
60th Draw held on 06/07/2019 Price ` 6/-
Please check the results with relevent Official Government Gazatte
Draw Dated - 29 June, 2019
Draw Dated - 08 June, 2019
Draw Dated - 01 June, 2019
Draw Dated - 25 May, 2019
Draw Dated - 18 May, 2019
Draw Dated - 04 May, 2019
Draw Dated - 27 Apr, 2019
Draw Dated - 20 Apr, 2019
Draw Dated - 13 Apr, 2019
Draw Dated - 06 Apr, 2019
Draw Dated - 30 Mar, 2019
Draw Dated - 23 Mar, 2019
Draw Dated - 16 Mar, 2019
Draw Dated - 02 Mar, 2019
Draw Dated - 16 Feb, 2019
Draw Dated - 09 Feb, 2019
Draw Dated - 02 Feb, 2019
Draw Dated - 19 Jan, 2019
Draw Dated - 12 Jan, 2019
WEST BENGAL STATE LOTTERY BANGASREE DAMODAR 04:00PM DEAR 04:00 PM 35th Draw held on 12/01/2019 Price ` 6/-
1st Prize `30 Lakhs/- 20H 37046
Cons. Prize ` 9500/- 37046 (REMAINING ALL SERIALS)
2nd Prize ` 9000/- 07095 13705 24629 32756 45970
50243 60654 60887 64851 71692
3rd Prize ` 500/- 0411 1123 3394 3707 5107
6249 6894 8392 8406 9055
4th Prize ` 250/- 3985 4321 4599 5912 6412
6946 8112 8185 9173 9409
5th Prize ` 120/-
0094 0983 1740 2662 3350 4250 5611 6518 7635 8654
0273 0999 1914 2754 3368 4268 5763 6564 7670 8677
0327 1037 1917 2761 3434 4527 5812 6581 7685 9100
0358 1163 1959 2803 3449 4564 5850 6630 7694 9119
0391 1510 2178 2836 3504 5057 5891 6994 7716 9137
0428 1544 2269 3080 3526 5075 5914 7075 7770 9325
0607 1550 2438 3097 3961 5286 6011 7133 8168 9353
0608 1669 2443 3119 3963 5448 6112 7273 8314 9564
0667 1686 2537 3151 4015 5510 6175 7311 8335 9648
0930 1687 2584 3182 4051 5532 6454 7415 8401 9918
Please check the results with relevent Official Government GazatteDraw Dated - 05 Jan, 2019
Draw Dated - 29 Dec, 2018
Draw Dated - 22 Dec, 2018
Draw Dated - 15 Dec, 2018
Draw Dated - 08 Dec, 2018
Draw Dated - 01 Dec, 2018
Draw Dated - 24 Nov. 2018
Draw Dated - 17 Nov. 2018
Draw Dated - 10 Nov. 2018